Zoo Trip

       A couple of weeks ago, we went to the zoo with my sister in law, nieces, and mother in law.  The forecast had called for rain, but we decided to go anyways.  It was a PERFECT day to go.  It did not rain while we were there and hardly anybody besides us were there.  No crowds, no waiting to see animals, no clinging to children in big crowds.  The kids ran from exhibit to exhibit and we had a great time.  

      I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but it was Mason's first trip to the zoo (poor third babies).  Kiwi, Little Man, and I went last year for Little Man's field trip and Little Man and I had went earlier in the month for another field trip, but little Mason had never been.  He loved it and was so cute.  I had brought the stroller, but he didn't want to ride in it at all.  He insisted on holding "Nana's han"  and trooped through most of the zoo that way.  By the time we were ready to leave, his walk had turned into more of a shuffle and he was starting to veer sideways he was so tired, but he still wanted to keep walking.  
 Grandma with all the grand kids on the R side.  
How big is a polar bear?

Cousin Lexy and Kiwi watching the walruses.  The oldest walrus has been there since I went as a kid and is always one of my favorites.  

 I love Mason's face in this picture.  

The four big cousins.  
     This picture was taken right after the only non highlight of the day. Which would be when the crows took an ENTIRE (minus about four crackers) bag of wheat thins from our stroller and flew away with it.  Do you know how many crackers that is?  I seriously wonder if that crow survived after ingesting all of that.  They also destroyed a plastic bag full of cereal and the plastic bag with our quarters in for the petting zoo in it (but left the quarters).  All while we left it in the stroller parking and went into the aquarium.  I have never seen crows like this.  They hovered around at lunch, we saw one with a stolen bag of fish crackers from another table, fought over food, and basically just gave us the creeps.   I have never thought that much of crows, but I now have a little bit of a grudge...and a bit of fear towards them.  They are not nice birds...


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