Easter 2012

    The kids woke up Sunday morning excited to hunt for eggs in our house.  Most of the eggs were filled with candy, but there were three eggs, one for each child, that held clues that led that child on a scavenger hunt throughout the house.  At the end of the hunt, each child found their Easter present, which was a new spring outfit.  

 Mason made it half way down the stairs, found his first egg and stopped.  He refused to go any farther or pick up any more eggs until someone had opened this egg for him so he could eat the candy.  He was a little obsessed with the candy this Easter.  Luckily, once we got in all gathered and put in the candy dish on the counter and it was out of his sight, he forgot about it.

     The big kids with their Easter presents.  Little Man loves to hide things, so we thought he would like a challenge.  His outfit was hid in the Costco size Honey Nut cheerio box underneath a bag of cheerios.  He became a little frustrated trying to find it, so maybe we made it a little too challenging...
      I had intended on getting a picture of the kids dressed for church, but in the pre-church rush that didn't happen.  I also forgot  to bring my camera to my in laws where we had a delicious meal prepared by my mother in law, the kids went on another cute egg hung and go presents from Grandma, and then played happily outside with their cousins in the beautiful weather.  But you get the picture:cute kids in Easter clothes, kids having a blast with cousins (although if you have any pictures you could send me from that night Kari that would be great!)
      I was in charge of teaching the children ages 3-11 at church that day a lesson on Easter.  I really appreciated the opportunity this gave me to really read and study the Easter story.  I am so grateful for my Savior, His sacrifice for us, and the knowledge we have that after He died, He lived again.  This knowledge makes all the difference in my life because I know that because of Him, I can live with my family and those I love forever.


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