
     Sometimes my afternoons are filled with three year old meltdowns, a baby who needs my attention, and a bouncing off the wall kindergartner.  I consider it a tremendous accomplishment on these days when I get some sort of well balanced meal on the table for my family (or on really crazy days, any meal on the table).

     Someday my afternoons will be filled with homework and shuttling children to and from sports practice, cub scouts, play practice (and I'm guessing getting dinner on the table will still be a challenge).

     Today, my rosy cheeked baby slumbered deep into the afternoon.  Little Man, Kiwi, and I did a puzzle out on the back deck while eating popcorn and drinking lemonade.  I savored every minute of it.  I watched Little Man's concentration as he put together the edge pieces and Kiwi's delight as Jessie the cowgirl's face came together.  I love, love, love these moments that I am able to share with my little ones. I am acutely aware of the fact that these kinds of laid back afternoons will be few and far between as my children grow and knowing this just makes me drink them in even more.  I am very blessed.

And check out the progress we are making on the swing set.

Total hours Mike has logged in:  7
Total hours I have logged in:  5
Number of times Little Man and Kiwi got out of bed tonight completely taking advantage of the fact that we were in the backyard working and not paying attention to them:  One gazillion




  1. It's looking good! Chris has put I don't know how many hours into ours, as he's done some adding-on. So worth it, though!

    I struggle with dinners, too. It's a battle every day.

  2. That looks like one awesome play structure. You all will enjoy it.


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