Best Fights Ever

I am so glad that my kids have each other. The relationships I see between them are one of my greatest joys. Kiwi and Little Man especially are so fun to watch. Along with all of the playing together, comes A LOT of fighting. Here are some of the best ones they've had.

4. The great window debate. "Mommy, he/she is looking out my window!" is something I have heard way far too many times while cruising in the mini van. Their car seats are on opposite sides of the car and apparently they have both claimed the windows on that side as theirs. There have been actual tears split over one child looking out the other one's window or one telling the other one that they can't look out their window. More then once one child has complained all the way to our destination that their side is boring and their siblings side has all of the interesting things to look at. What I don't get is when we get back in the car to return home and drive the exact same route, with them both on opposite sides now, their side (previously their siblings) is still boring.

3. Fights over certain colored plastic utensils from Ikea. We have one pink cup and one pink dish. A couple of months ago, they both always wanted these two things. One day I got so tired off them fighting about it, that I ate my applesauce in the pink dish while they both looked at me and had theirs in other colors. Finally, I put all the colored plastic eat ware in a plastic bag on the top shelf of the pantry where they sat in time out for several days. Since taking them down, they've done much better at sharing them.

2. Fighting over Mason. "He's MY baby!" No, he's my baby!" Usually done while both of them are trying to cram their faces and whatever toy they want to show poor Mason into his line of vision. This one can leave all three children very unhappy.

1. Bubble gum p.j.'s Kiwi has the cute polka a dot p.j.'s that feature a bubble gum machine on the front of the shirt. Inside of the machine several different colors of bubble gum are depicted. Every time she wears these particular pajamas, she walks around the house offering the "bubble gum" to everyone in the family. "Daddy, what color bubble dum (gum) you want?" All of us choose our color, she pretends to pick it off her shirt, hand it to us and we all pretend to chew it. It's actually quite adorable. Well, one morning I was in the kitchen when I heard a shrill Kiwi wail. Before I had time to react she was standing at my legs recounting her heartbreaking tale. "Mommy, I told Little Man he could have ONE bubble dum and he took all of them! And now I have no more bubble dum!" Ear piercing screaming continues. I knelt down next to her and found myself saying, "No sweetheart, he didn't take all of the bubble gums, he only took one" and then I stopped. There I was comforting my child about a piece of bubble gum that didn't exist. Kneeling down I had a perfect view of the bubble gum shirt, that (obviously) still contained all the bubble gum. Was I going to call Little Man in and make him return air to his sister? This was one I just gave up on.


  1. Oh what I have to look forward too! You could write a sitcom about all these ;)


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