Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Last Thursday was the first day of school for Little Man and the first day of preschool for Kiwi (technically Little Man's first day was Wednesday, but it was a meeting with the kindergartner and parents so it wasn't real to me until I dropped him off Thursday).
Wednesday night we had a back to school dinner. The theme was "Oh the Places You'll Go." I had the kids help color pictures of castles and jungle animals and cars and we put those up in the kitchen along with some scriptures about knowledge and "123" and "ABC" signs. During dinner we talked about how learning to read and write can teach you things and take you all sorts of places (even if it's just in your imagination). We also talked about how Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to learn about the gospel, but they also want us to learn how to read and write and about history, etc.
The kids made their own crowns (they didn't really go with the theme, but it was just something to make them feel special) and had fun wearing them while we ate. And the gourmet meal for this back to school feast? Pancakes, turkey sausage, and slushies (made by simply pouring juice into the ice cream maker and running it until it freezes). My kids love were thrilled; breakfast for dinner is always a favorite.
Going along with the theme, I used Dr. Seuss's book and changed it up for my Little Man starting kindergarten.

Today is a great day.
You are off to kindergarten
To learn and to play

You have brains in your head
You have your feet in your shoes
Shoes (which I still tie daily) that walked you not back to the van with little brother, sister and I but into the school instead
Happily waving goodbye to me as I swung a baby carrier in which it seems like just yesterday you used to snooze

As you entered the doors without me, I bit my lip and managed to wait until you were gone before the tears started to flow
Not simply because I was sad that you'd be gone every afternoon
I just can't help but wonder if I've taught you what you need to know
And because this new chapter in our lives is starting and it just seems to soon

For five years, you've been my little daytime friend
And I can hardly believe that the days (for you) of library story times, daytime walks and park trips, and baby play groups could be coming to an end

But I dried those tears
Because whether or not I'm ready, you are more then ready, you've been dreaming of this day and are elated
And I tried to ease my fears
And was comforted by the knowledge that although this new chapter is different there are still thousands of memories waited to be created

I'm excited for all the things that for you lay in store, you'll be on your way up!
Learning reading and writing will show you great sights
You'll join the high fliers
who soar to high heights

Wherever you fly, always try your best
And remember that kindness to others and honesty is more important then any test

Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done!
Things to learn, friends to make
Talents to develop, opportunities to take

Great things are waiting for you, except when they don't
And sometimes they won't
Because sometimes feelings are hurt and you might not understand why
And sometimes we fail even when we try

But will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!

Kid, you'll move mountains!

Oh the places you'll go!
(from 12:33-3:10 every Monday through Friday, the rest of the time I get to keep you home safe with me)

We love you Little Man!


  1. I'm tearing up just reading the post!! You are such a great mom, who else had a fun theme dinner complete with slushies the night before school?!? I'm sure Little Man will do great in kindergarten and school in general, as long as he can keep all those little girls from fighting over him! Congratulations on a kindergartner (and a very cute pre-schooler!!)

  2. this is so cool and inspiring. I think I'll have to do a before preschool dinner next week. Nice work!


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