Red hats, little cowgirl, and babies

Birthday parties are a hot topic at our house. Little Man and Kiwi talk about what kind of birthday party they want for months. Little Man's birthday is in May which means he started planning in about March. Kiwi's was Saturday, but she has been talking about it since Little Man started planning his. Her themes changed from Dora to Tinkerbelle to Pirates (after Little Man's) and back to Dora.
Then at the end of June we went to see Toy Story 3 as a family and there was no going back. She feel in love with "Jessie the Cowgirl" and the rest of the gang. There was no changing her mind about what kind of party she wanted after that. And what did she want for her birthday? "A red Jessie hat," was her response.
Knowing that I would have a two week old at the time of her birthday and probably would not be up for a lot of shopping, I started looking for this Jessie cowgirl hat early. And if you have ever looked for a red cowgirl hat, you would know this is not an easy thing to find. I found Jessie costumes online, but you had to buy the whole thing and she really just wanted the hat. We tried Walmart, Target, Freddy's, Toys R Us, and then I searched the internet.
July 27th arrived and we still had not secured a red cowgirl hat, but that was the last thing on my mind as we waited for our little guy to arrive. Throughout the day I sent text updates to my mom, sister, and sister-in-law about how things were going. At about 3:15 it was getting time to push. The nurse called the doctor and the room became a whirlwind of activity of people getting ready. Right then, my phone rang. It was my mom. I decided to answer it quickly and tell her what was going on (I obviously had an epidural). Our conversation lasted less then a minute and here is how it went.
Me: "Hi, Mom, I'm getting ready to push! They just called the doctor."
Mom: "Oh!" I can't remember what exactly she said at this point, but she was sounding a little emotional/nervous/excited as one would be when her daughter is about to have a baby.
And then...
Mom: "Did you ever find Kiwi a red cowgirl hat?"

Me (confused(: "What?"
Mom: "Well, I am in this store and they have these cowgirl hats" (my parents were in Yellowstone the day Baby M was born)
I regained my thoughts enough to tell her to purchase the hat and then forgot about the conversation.
Two days later, I was drifting off to catch a few hours of sleep at night when I remembered this conversation.
Did that really happen? And did she buy the cowgirl hat?
She did and Kiwi was so excited yesterday to open her Jessie cowgirl hat. She looks pretty cute in it also.
It was worth the pre-pushing phone call and the cowgirl hat will always make me think of the day Mason was born.


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