The Big Race

Three out of the last four years, Mike and I have ran every second Saturday in June in a fun run not too far from our house. We've wanted to bring the kids in the past because they have some races for them, but we've always both been running so we've just left them at Grandma's and Grandpa's. This year I would not be running, so the whole family attended.
The race draws quite a crowd so they provide buses from a nearby school that take you to the start of the race. The bus was definitely one of the highlights for the kids. They not only go to sit on regular seats (rather then in a booster or car seat) but without seat belts!
Little Man getting ready for his 2K. This is race for 4-10 year olds and any parents that want to run with them. It's just for fun, in fact they don't even run the time clock. Our little guy, who has heard a little too much talk about track and times, was confused by this and wanted to know what his time was. He gave him an estimate, but tried to just focus on how proud we were of him for finishing and doing his best.
With his running partner.
Look at that sprint to the finish! My grandma called to see how the race went and he told her, " I SPRINTED to the finish, I sprinted just like Marcus and I passed my daddy."
Afterwards, he greeted me with a big grin and said, "I got all sweaty!" I'd say that's an indicator of a successful race. He had a lot of fun and we were proud of him. I asked Mike if he ever wanted to stop and he said that he slowed down for a while, but that he never whined or wanted to walk.

I didn't get a picture of Mike (he was too speedy as he ran by!) but after running with Little Man in his race, he competed in a 12 K. I was impressed with how well he did especially since he's been so busy with work the last two weeks that he hasn't run once. The kids and I had fun cheering for him.
Kiwi was able to participate in the two year old Diaper Dash. She was really excited about this event and got a kick out of the name (she thought it was especially funny since she no longer wears diapers). She was not a big fan of the number, however, as evident by her expression in this picture. She did consent to wear it until after the race and then wanted it off immediately. She was so cute during the race. Mike and Little Man started her off at the start and I waited with the rest of the receiving parents at the finish line. It was about twenty yards and the kids just ran from one grown up to the next. As soon as they said "Go" she was off with the biggest grin. She actually might have won the race if she had ran in a straight line. Instead, she veered towards the middle and ran full speed ahead right into the middle of some other parents. I had to run down the line and scoop her up. She was so proud of herself and gave me the biggest hug.
Afterwards we trooped back up the hill (or mountain as Kiwi called it) one tired and happy family.
I hope this will become a family tradition of ours although next year I will be running also so we will need to bring someone (volunteers grandmas and grandpas??) along with us to join the fun and watch the kids while Mike and I run. Little Man told Mike, "Next year, Mommy will cream you." No, I did not coach him to say that and it is definitely not true, but I am excited to be able to start running again soon. It's also nice to know that my five year old thinks I'm fast, especially since I currently can't even keep up with him.
And as a bonus....check out the blue skies in the background! What a difference from my last post. Could this possibly be the arrival of summer?


  1. way fun!! you are such a cute mom and a great example to your kids that running and fitness can be fun.


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