One for everyone

I find it ironic that two days after I wrote my last post, Kiwi decided to have a fierce interest in wearing underwear and going potty. She shown some interest before, but had only successfully gone on on the potty twice and it was an ordeal and freaked her out, so I figured she wasn't ready yet.
So, although I hestitate to say we are potty training, because I know that it can be quite a road and we are only at the very beginning, we did go to the store today and buy some potty treats.
Here is how the rest of the afternoon unfolded.

Kiwi: "I have to go pee pee Mommy!"
Me: "Okay, let's go. Hurry, hurry!"
Run to the bathroom. Help position her on little potty. Wait, wait some more until she finishes her thing. Empty little potty, Kiwi flushes big potty, wash both of our hands.
And then it's time for the treats. She chose peanut butter M&M's. She gets one, Little Man gets one, and I get one (or three)
Kiwi gets one because she successfully went potty
I get one because I crouched on the bathroom floor, waited, encouraged, cheered, emptied that holder from the little potty into the big potty, and helped washed hands.
I'm not really sure why Little Man gets one.
Oh, and when Mike took her, he took a handful when the kids weren't looking

Twice, Kiwi finished her M&M, waited about two minutes and announced she had to go again. I don't think that bag of M&M's is going too last long...


  1. yay for Abby! I hope she sticks with it this time. Won't it be nice to not have to change a toddlers diaper anymore?


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