Wednesday Activity: Grahm Cracker houses

Last week we made grahm cracker houses. The idea is obviously similar to a ginerbread house, but I didn't want to spend ten dollars on a kit to do it. We used crackers, frosting, skittles, gum drops, licorice peices, and little pretzels shaped like trees and covered in chocolate. Little Man got pretty into it (his is ont he left) while Kiwi tried to consume her weight in crackers and frosting while I did most of the work on her house (she did put the gum drops around it). Both of them thought this activity was a hit and we had fun doing them.
The only thing I would do differently was the frosting. I made the white stuff homemade with just powdered sugar, milk, and butter and it wasn't thick or sturdy enough to the crackers together. Luckily we had some store bought chocolate in the fridge which worked better, but it was still a struggle. Next time, I might spend the time to make more a decorating frosting which would probably work better.


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