San Diego Pictures

I am finally getting around to posting some pictures of San Diego.

A picture of the appetizer we got at this Indian restuarant. It was our waiter's recommendation. We never would have thought to order it ourselves, but I am glad we tried it. It was lightly fried spinach with yogurt, carrots, mint, and chutney (sp?). Neither one of us was exactly sure what chutney was, but it was delicious.
We really like eating out. Combine that with a child free weekend and the fact that all of Mike's meals were being paid for by the company so we were only paying for me made for an enjoyable culinary weekend. I was talking with some of my friends about how we always get excited for the food when we are going on vacation. We came to the conclusion that because we don't drink or participate in the night life that many do, food is the thing we splurge on when we go out.
Over the course of the weekend we dined at a Mexican, Indian, and Thai place. My mouth is still watering for that Hot Thai Basil Chicken. good.
I also discovered this little place called Pink Berry where they serve frozen yogurt (that really tastes like yogurt) with fresh fruit on the top. It sounds simple enough, but it was so good. My mouth is still also watering for the parfait I had there (I partook twice in the three days we were there, once with Mike and once by myself).
Literally, my mouth is watering. I am now racking my brain for what I have in my kitchen that would compare and Yoplait yogurt is not going to cut it.

One evening we rented bikes and rode along the waterfront. For me, you can't go wrong when you combine some sort of outdoor activity where I get to see beautiful scenery and spend time with my husband. It was a lot of fun.
Here's a picture of this absolutely ginormous yacht that was on the water. When we got closer there was a little group of people openly gawking at it. We stopped to look at it for a minute and Mike googled it on his blackberry (yes, my husband is THAT guy with the blackberry on the waterfront, but I love him just the same) and found that it is actually like the 70th biggest yacht in the whole world. When we told Little Man about it on the phone that night he said,
"Is it the biggest boat in all the seas?" It was pretty cute. Little Man's statement, not the boat. The boat was pretty ridiculously huge.

We ate lunch on the patio of this Barbecue Place. This was the day I had partaken of a huge breakfast so I just shared some of Mike's, but the food was only okay and it was definitely the most forgettable meal of the weekend. I had to throw a picture in though, because as the sign says part of Top Gun was filmed here.

It was so much fun to spend time with Mike and to be reminded that even in the busyness of our life right now with work, kids, him getting his Masters, that he is still my best friend and there is no one I'd rather spend time with.
It was also so nice to come home and see our kids. Being away from them once in a while is good because it reminds me how very, very blessed I am to be their mommy.


  1. There's a place called Red's in Pacific Place in Seattle right by where you pay for parking and Barnes and Noble.

    They serve frozen yogurt, and it is hands down the best I've ever eaten! It sounds just like that Pink Berry place. Try it....I'm sure you'll like it!


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