The thing about Dads

The thing about my dad is...
He made every effort to be at all our activities growing up
Even it if it meant getting up when the clock read 4 and the rest of of the family slept snug in their beds so that he could get a full days work in and make to whatever event we were participating in

He never complained about his job

He taught me how to ride a bike and to drive a car

He was the parent more easily persuaded to stop for a milkshake or a Slurpie

He made up silly songs with our names in them

He believed in us and in doing so instilled in me a belief that I can accomplish anything I set out to do in this life if I work hard enough

He is a wonderful grandfather and takes the time to play with, read to, and talk to his grandchildren

The thing about my children's dad (who also happens to be my wonderful husband) is that...

His shoulders are made for toting around small children (I've tried it and they seem to tip precariously backward on mine, but Kiwi loves to travel up high on Daddy's)

He can have the kids jumping up and down with excitement to go on a trip down to the grocery store (although it might have something to do with the sticky little fingers and mouths they often come home with)

He has changed all of the newborn tar diapers (I've never experienced one) and has done his share since then

He is a man who knows his way around the kitchen. It's not an uncommon thing for him to be flipping grilled cheese for the kids at 6:00 on a Saturday evening the then whipping up some Thai basil chicken at 8:00 for a quiet dinner for the two of us

He is incredibly busy at this time in his life with school, work, and a family. I know he struggles to balance it all, but he's doing a great job.

He is a very hands on and loving dad and both of our children adore him

He's very handsome (I know that doesn't affect his fathering skills at all, but I wanted to mention it)

The thing about his dad is...

He makes up cute nicknames for the kids

He is always the adult who ends up outside with all the grandkids after Sunday dinner

Last week he pushed Kiwi on the swing for over half an hour

He does a see-saw nursery rhyme with the kids that his dad used to do

He is obviously an incredible dad because he raised his son to be the wonderful man that I am married to

The thing about all three of these men is that they...

Love their families and work hard to provide for them
Honor their priesthood
Respect the women in their lives
Are examples to those around them

I have also been blessed with wonderful grandfathers who are examples to us and to our children of what men and fathers should be
These are just a few of the many, many reasons I am thankful for the dads in my life
Happy Father's Day!!


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