Four Years Ago

Four years ago
I woke up with just enough time to get myself ready and out the door to be on time for work
I didn't have to worry about anyone else
I only brought my lap top and purse
And not half my house
Four years ago
I stayed late after school
I finished putting in all the grades for the year
I started taking down my classroom decorations
There were four days left of school and three weeks to my due date, but I felt a sense of
to get things done
Four years ago
Mike and I decided (as we often did) to go out to an impromptu dinner
We went and ate Hogi Yogi sandwiches
We sat in the booth as long as we wanted to
I can't remember if we got ice cream, but we may have
There were no sticky fingers or dropped scoops on the floor
We left the restaurant with clothes just as clean as when we entered
Four years ago
We decided to stop by the store to pick up a few things
We browsed, we wandered
We talked about the new baby
We picked out a new DVD
We came home to a clean house
We got ready for bed (and the house stayed clean)
We fell asleep on the couch watching a movie
Later after moving to bed I fell sound asleep

Four years ago
I awoke from that sound sleep with a start
I felt funny
And then I felt wet. Really, really wet
I woke up Mike
Time to go the hospital

Four years ago
I gave birth to our beautiful son
Four years ago
I fell in absolute love with a little person simply because he existed
It happened in an instant
We were never the same
But we would never change a thing
Four years ago
I lost a little piece of me (two years it happened again )
As if a little part of my heart now resides in these two children
Because each and every day of the past
I have felt such joy at every accomplishment, every milestone, every smile
I have tiptoed into a cozy room lit by a small baseball night light
And felt as if my heart would break with love for these beautiful sleeping babies
I have sat awake rocking a baby in the middle of the night when it feels as if all the world is asleep
I have read stories, kissed owies, patted backs, changed diapers, sang songs, said no, wiped away tears, done lots and lots of laundry and changed more diapers
I have
about the day to day things and about their future
with them and at myself
for them and because of them
and prayed and prayed
Four years ago
I became a


  1. What a sweet post! 4 years is hard to believe!

  2. whew.... way to make me cry!

    This is really beautiful

  3. I'm totally wiping away tears here Meliss! That is really sweet and exactly how I feel about being a Mom! Happy Birthday Little Man!

  4. Oh my gosh, I seriously started crying while reading that. Except for the feeling wet part and going to Hogi Yogi, I've had the exact same feelings...but almost 17 months ago. Who knew that becoming a mother could be the best changed you could ever have. Love you Melissa!


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