Elliot's Blessing Day

Elliot was blessed the first weekend in March.  

My sweet, beautiful baby boy in the same outfit Mason was blessed in (bonnet and all :)  that was hand made by his great, great grandmother.
Our family.
With Grandma and Grandpa R.

With cousin Lila.  She loves Elliot and always comes running over to see him anytime we are together.
With Auntie Kari.
With Uncle Mike and Aunt Paula.
With Grandma and Grandpa D.

We were so blessed to have so much family join us for the day.  His blessing was beautiful and reminded me of the great privilege and responsibility it is to be entrusted with this little guy.  He has such a bright future and I hope that we can be the parents that he needs us to be.  

After the blessing we had our family over for a dinner.   It was a beautiful, sunny, content kind of day.  The night before his blessing Elliot and Mason tag teamed and woke up a combined total of eight times.  Luckily the excitement and sweetness of the day overshadowed the exhaustion. The weather really was perfect and the cousins played outside and the adults visited and Elliot was passed around from one set of arms to another.  He is such a loved baby and we are so happy to have him in our family.  He has added a sense of completeness that wasn't there before and we are all smitten with him.


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