A Fairy and a Necklace

When Little Man got his teeth cleaned a couple of months ago, he had one concern for the dentist. And that was when he was going to lose a tooth.  After examining his teeth, the dentist projected that Little Man would be loosing a tooth "soon" probably in the "next few months."  This answer was not what Little Man was looking for.  What he wanted was confirmation that he would lose a tooth before the end of the school year.  He felt quite certain that he was the ONLY six year old in the world who had not lost a tooth yet and was worried that if he didn't lose one by the end of the year, he would not get a tooth necklace at school.  The dentist said he was sure they had tooth necklaces in second grade also (I thought this was quite presumptuous of  the dentist and wondered if he had the facts to back up that statement...has he visited second grade at Little Man's school lately?)

Luckily, this week Little Man's concerns were put to rest.  Tuesday evening he sat on the couch and wiggled his tooth right out.  I knew that it had been loose, but I couldn't believe how fast it came out.  I thought there would be more drama involved with the actual extraction of the tooth (but was grateful there wasn't).   As soon as it came out, he wanted to call Mike.  I dialed the number and handed him the phone.  As it was ringing he said, "Mommy, this is a BIG call!"   

So, Tuesday night the Tooth Fairy made her first stop at our house.  Little Man and Kiwi half heartedly tried to wait up for her like the book Silverlicious, but both have had colds and were out within five minutes of going to bed.  

And Wednesday, Little Man got his long awaited tooth necklace.

And that little gap between his teeth in that super cheeser grin of his?  Just about the cutest thing I have ever seen.  


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