New batteries

     Tired of being asked one bajillion times to change the batteries (and usually saying I'll do it later) in some toy or another, I declared this afternoon "change the battery afternoon."  I did not anticipate the response this declaration brought.  You would have thought I had announced Christmas was coming early.  The kids were so excited.  I should have saved this idea up my sleeve instead of just doing it on a random Tuesday.  
      I set up shop in the hallway with an assortment of screwdrivers and batteries and they brought all their silent toys.  Little Man was my assistant.  
      And now all is well in the world of toys at our house.  Little Man's remote control car moves again, Mason's seahorse lights up, and baby pony has a voice for the first time since probably 2009.  And I'm remembering why I didn't change some of those batteries... 

Overhead while typing this.  Kiwi and Little Man are in bed.  Little Man wanted her to give him one of the stuffed animals she had on her bed.  To convince her, he said, "If you don't give it to me, I won't play ever, ever play stuffed animals again with you until I'm 25."
        To which she replied, "I don't think you are still going to be syeeping (sleeping) in this bunk bed when you are twenty five."  Smart girl, that daughter of ours.  She does not let her big brother push her around.


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