Happy Halloween

The day this little cheesebal decides that he is too old or cool to wear construction paper bat ears will be a sad day.

He wore them walking home and looked pretty adorable running down the hill with his ears flapping in the wind.

Lucky for me, today is not that day.  And now I must face the task of putting some healthy food into the bellies of an energetic pirate captain, a beautiful (but somewhat temperamental this afternoon) pirate princess, and the cutest little baby parrot you ever did see.
Because somehow, when we return from trick or treating tonight and they are consuming tootsie rolls and skittles like there is no tomorrow (which in a way is true considering Halloween is the one night a year that we don't regulate their candy intake and tomorrow it will be rationed), I will find some solace in the fact that at least I got a good dinner into them.  

Happy Halloween!


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