Ten Months

I completely skipped over a post about Mason at nine months, but here are his stats from the doctor.

Weight:  18.9 lbs (<25%)
Length 28 3/4 (<50%)
Head Circumference 48.5 cm (>97%)

      We have never had a baby who was proportioned like Mason is.  Kiwi and Little Man's weights were usually right in line with their height or in a higher percentile.  I am used to babies with rolls on their thighs and tummies hanging over their diapers.  Mason is our skinny boy.  The other day I noticed that while wearing some zip up jammies his size they were hanging off of his belly.  That is certainly something I haven't seen before.  With the other two, I would have to strain to get the zippers over their ample little bellies.  I must be producing skim milk this time around.

     At ten months, Mason is quickly making the transition from baby to toddler no matter how in denial about it I am.  He started crawling about three weeks ago and is now unstoppable.  For the first time since moving into our house almost two years ago, I miss the condo a little bit.  When the two big kids were at this stage we could just close all the doors and they were confined to a small space in the living/dining room with no stairs.  Mason discovered the stairs today, much to his delight, and I think it's time to invest in some sort of gate.

    He has been babbling for a while.  He did say dadadada before mamama, but I don't think he really knew what he was saying.  In the last two weeks, however, he has begun to  mama and dada discriminately, however, and it is so cute.  He also waves bye bye and does his own version of the sign for "all done" when he is done eating.

     He is finally starting to eat a little better, which is nice.  It no longer takes 20-30 minutes to feed him a meal and he is even starting to eat some food by himself.  His favorites are bananas, mac and cheese, yogurt, and anything that he is able to eat from our food.

     He continues to be such a joy to our family and is adored by everyone.  As soon as we hear him on the monitor in the morning, Little Man and Kiwi immediately ask me if they can go see him.  They are still getting used to the fact that he can pull himself up and love to see what position he is in when they open the door.  "Mommy, he was standing up!"  "Mommy, he was sitting and looking at me!"  "Mommy, he was on his knees playing with his monkey toy!"

     He is still very good natured and happy most of the time.  He rarely cries in the car or stroller which I am so grateful for.  He still loves to watch his brother and sister and loves when he can get a reaction from them.  His new game at the table is to drop his sippy cup on the floor and then laugh like crazy when one of them picks it up.  He must have done it over twenty times after lunch today and all three of them thought it was hilarious.

      He is not quite as chilled out around the house anymore since he can now get around and he's starting to develop some definite opinions about what he wants.  He will object if you take a toy away and today threw his first little fit of frustration when he couldn't reach a train on the train table that he wanted.  His least favorite activity in the world is getting his diaper or clothes changed.  He will do anything to get away from the person changing him, which is usually me.  I can not tell you how many times I see his little bare bum crawl away from me a day.

      He usually sleeps until about 4:45-6 in the morning, wakes up to eat and then goes back to sleep for a couple more hours.  He takes one to two naps a day depending on our schedule and is not too upset if he has to miss one.

      Although I wish I could keep him my little tiny baby for longer, it is so fun to see his personality emerge and watch him reach new milestones.  We love our little Mason man and are so happy that he is  a part of our family.


  1. 10 Months...I know you've been dreading having to write this post, and I'm sorry you can't say 9 anymore...but he is so cute and seems like such a good boy!


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