8.5 Months

I know that everybody starts their baby progress posts by stating they can't believe how much their child changed/grew over the month. But it really is crazy how much Mason developed this last month.
Teeth: He now has two little white teeth protruding from his bottom gums. He got his first tooth on the day before his eight month mark. He had been really fussy for about a day and a half with a horrible night's sleep mixed in there. Since both Little Man and Kiwi didn't get their first tooth until eleven months, I wasn't really even thinking teething, but then there it was and although I felt bad for him, I was glad I knew the reason behind the crankiness. Luckily, his second tooth appeared without much fuss at all so hopefully that trend that will continue as his mouth fills with the rest of his baby chompers.

Food: He is now eating three meals a day of baby food and nursing about five times a day. He is a super fast nurser and a super slow eater of the solid foods. He has started to eat more of them without gagging, however, so that is nice. His favorite his chicken and apples, fruit, and anything we slip him off of our spoon (Mike gave him ice cream this weekend). He still absolutely hates the pureed carrots and even if they are mixed in with something else, he will gag and refuse to eat it.

Sleep: He is (maybe? hopefully?) starting to sleep through the night. He has done it the last couple of nights, but he has done this before and then went back to waking up. Since he was born, he has liked the binky about half the time. He's never been super attached to it, but we kept it around because it was worth it when it did soothe him. When he was teething, however, it was one of the only things that worked. And now I think I may have a binky baby. Since both Little Man and Kiwi refused the binks (as the kids call it) this is new to me. Although I will probably be posting in the future lamenting about how to take it away, it is really nice now and it has made cutting out that last night time feeding really easy. Instead of feeding him if he wakes up at night, I put in the binky and within minutes he's calmed down and back to sleep. After a couple of nights of this, he hasn't even woken up for the night time feeding. Hooray!
He's still takes two naps a day, but is pretty flexible and doesn't get that fussy if we have to skip one of them.

Personality: Although still the sweetest little boy, he has lost a tiny bit of his mellowness this last month. He has discovered screaming (not crying screaming, just shrill little shrieks) and I think he does it just to hear his own voice sometimes. He also protests loudly if his food is not put in his mouth quickly enough and does not like to have his diaper changed. He will arch his back and try to roll away the second his little back hits the ground. Although I love my chill baby, it is fun to see him develop preferences and see his little personality emerge. He is curious about everything and by leaning, reaching, and making little grunts and sounds is starting to let us know what he wants.

Mobile: He is not crawling yet (which is more then okay with me) but has starting using his rolling and scooting to actually move around. His fastest form of scooting is done on his back where he pushes himself backwards with his little legs. He's currently got a little red spot on the back of his head from where it's been pushed across the carpet.

Hanging out in the stroller while we went mini golfing this last weekend. Luckily, he is still pretty content in his stroller and is entertained by watching those around him especially his brother and sister.

He also still allows me to smoother his little face with a hundred kisses a day (it may just be because he can't get away from me, but I'll take it).

Because really, who could resist these chubby little cheeks?


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