Ringing in the New Year

We started out 2011 by having our good friends the C family over. This is the fifth time we have rung in the New Year together and, as always, we had a great time.
Little Man and Alicia (if you look close you can see that they both have Oreo mustaches).
The night was filled with food that tastes oh so good, but in actuality is not good for you food.

Everyone partook, except for this little guy. He did spend a good ten minutes trying to figure out why his hand was tasted different (it was in Mike's front sweatshirt pocket).

We counted down with the kids at 9:00 while watching the ball drop on the East Coast. They toasted sparkling cider.
And jumped and around and cheered with gusto even though I'm not sure how much they really understood (after being told by her big brother that she would be turning four in 2011 Kiwi has repeatedly asked me what day her birthday is...which is in August)
We then went about setting up the kids to watch a movie and putting the two youngest into bed. Imagine our surprise when at nearly 11:30 four of the five children were still up. It was a far cry from the old days when we each had one baby both sleeping while we played games all night. Between all the getting drink refills, balancing babies, tucking blankets, and letting big kids "help" we did manage to get in a couple of games though.

Brooke went down at 10:00, Mason about 11:30 (what was up with my baby? He must have really been excited about the party) and Kiwi (middle) finally crashed on the couch at about twenty minutes to. The two big kids made it too midnight, but looked little glazed over and were not much for celebrating. Little Man was pretty proud of himself for making it.
Happy New Years!


  1. Wow, good for you guys, partying all night long. Ryan and I went to bed before midnight; Little Man had us beat too!


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