Indoor Water Park

The children decided to make a water park in our family room this morning. The way Little Man explained it to me the pillow are the edges of the pool and the blankets are the water. My contribution was brining in the slide from the patio and cleaning it up for indoor use. It was my suggestion, but it was a little more of an undertaking then initially expected with the ice chunks stuck to the bottom of it (it is cold even for us to brave playing outside today). I told them that for my labor on the slide I was asking them for uninterupted time to sweep and mop the kitchen and pay the bills. It's like a contract I told them.

A what? (Little Man thought I was telling them they couldn't play until I was done with these things). I think it's only fair. I'm not sure why I hear the start of a fight in the background...


  1. I love this idea, we may try this.

    Also, thanks for posting the Wednesday activities. We're definitely going to try some of those out!

  2. Ha! I love that you're creating contracts for your kids. They are going to be so prepared for later years!

  3. For some reason this post brought back a memory of my mom putting food color in different bowls of egg mixture then letting us paint a few pieces of bread and she made colorful french toast for us. I bet your kids will remember some of these craft days with fond memories!


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