Hot Days of Summer

It is hot. H-O-T hot. We're talking the first number on the bank reader is a 9 hot. And for those of us who are not accustomed to these kind of temperatures and who do not own AC because it only gets this way for 1-2 weeks a year, we are melting away in our own homes. We spent three of the sweltering hours of the afternoon in our nice air conditioned church building, then came home, made dinner, cleaned up and then made some home made frozen yogurt in our ice cream maker. The youngest members of our family enjoyed this delicious, refreshing summer treat stripped down the bare minimum on the back deck. The older members of our family remained clothed and sought out a shady patch of grass to enjoy their treat. Later, we put Kiwi to bed early (1 o'clock church kills her nap) and Little Man, Mike and I played a round of Memory on the floor with the fan pointed directly at us. Mike won with 13 matches, Little Man came in second with 10, and I brought up the rear with 9 pairs (we used to let Little Man always win, but he was getting a little bit of a big head about it and he can hold his own pretty well in Memory so now we might pretend not to see a match or two, but for the most part we bring our game when we play...I brought mine today and lost)

It was a good evening.
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  1. She is too cute! I love the fact that Landon can say her name so well. They're such good friends. I'm so sad you guys aren't in our ward anymore, but I'm so happy that we still get to see you often :)

  2. 1. Yeah, the heat's been weird. Every time I drive over that bridge by the windey hill, there's about 300 people just sitting in the river.

    2. I always thought I was good at Memory until I played it last summer with Grant. He was 3 and legitimately won every time. So I'm impressed with your 9 wins.

  3. Your kids are ridiculously cute. Seriously, woman.

    I checked the weather report for the week earlier... they all started with 6's.


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