
Today was an exciting day. Today I got to add a new key to my key ring. A key that opens the door to our new house.
Picture of us standing in front of sale sign that a bank could put on their website with a cheesy caption about how they are in the business of making dreams of home ownership come true
I haven't blogged about our house because I think I was afraid I might jinx it. This was the third house we had put an offer on and even after our offer was accepted I was afraid something would go wrong. Almost everything in our price range was bank owned or short sales both of which are different then just buying from an owner, from an actual person that you can negotiate with and have communication with instead of a bank. After our offer was accepted the process did drag on for a while (we had all our financing and everything in order weeks ago and have been waiting on the bank), but then last week things started happening really fast, we signed papers Monday night and got the keys today! A lot of this was due to our great real estate agent, who also happens to be our aunt (Thanks again Aunt Kathy!) She was awesome. We got a great deal on the house and are very happy with how things turned out.
Little Man opening the door for the first time since it became our house.
We had a picnic on the floor and then toasted with sparkling cider. After dinner Mike had to run back to the condo to get a couple of tools and while he was gone the kids and I ran around the house to different rooms jumping up and down singing silly songs and then choosing a different room to run to. I guess we were being really loud because I didn't even hear my father-in-law come in the house and when we brought our little party out of our Kiwi's room and into the hallway he was walking up the stairs. He startled Little Man and I and I was a little embarrassed, but he just smiled and didn't make any reference to the fact that he had just heard me belting out, "We're going to have party, we're going to have a party (while Little Man sang and Kiwi bounced up and down on the balls of her feet and said "party, party).
We are moving all of our big stuff in Saturday morning, so after a couple of hours we all came back to the condo, but it was an exciting evening.


  1. Details please! Is it in the same neighborhood as the condo or some place entirely new? So exciting!

  2. This is so awesome! Congratulations!

  3. CONGRATS! Did you sell your condo finally? I am sooo happy for you! Is there a nice sliding glass door so Carson can go out in the backyard and play? I know that was your dream. I'd love to see more pictures too. Yea!

  4. Do we get pictures of the actual house? I am so excited for you guys! WOW!!! A House!!! I'm so excited and proud!

  5. I'm just about jumping up and down for you right now!! Congratulations! You'll have to post some pictures after you move in (oh, wait, I haven't even really done that yet!:) We really like to make big life decisions at the same time don't we?! I'm so happy for you guys!

  6. I am seriously SO sad that you won't be in our ward anymore. Who is "Dandon" going to hug in Sacrament every week? You have to promise to hang out with us still, even though you'll make more friends in your new ward. Which ward are you going to be in anyway?

  7. Oh and I'm really excited for you too. Owning your first house is a perfect reason to have a party :)

  8. I will definitely post more pictures later. We are renting out our condo; the new house is just down the road so we'll be able to keep on eye on it. Thanks for your comments. We are really excited!

  9. I'm so happy for you, Meliss!! How fun! I'm glad everything worked out for you to get a bigger place. You guys look great.

    I'll have to come see it next time we're in town (we'll be there for 10 days at Christmas time).

  10. YAAAAAYYYYY!! CONGRATS! That's a cute story by the way, about your should have invited him to sing along, I'm sure he would have understood. :)


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