Four year old games

The other day I was laying out Little Man's clothes for him. Somedays, I just let him choose whatever, but on days that he needs to be at least matching I will help him out. I'll give him some choices, he'll choose and then he will ask me to lay them out on the floor for him. Sounds simple enough right?
Wrong. This is where the whining begins. He wants the pants legs to be touching, he needs the underwear laid out completely under the shirt, he wants his socks by Kiwi's crib and on and on if I let it go it go there. The majority of the time, I simply lay out the clothes, he starts his,
"But Mommeeeeeeeee, I wanted my socks over therrrrrre" in his whiny voice.
To which I answer, "Okay buddy, you are welcome to move them over there" in my nice fake cheerful voice and then I leave him in his room to throw a mini fit, get over it and get dressed.
Well, we needed to get out the door the other day and so when he asked to have his pant legs touching, I made the mistake of thinking it was just a small thing and it would make the process go faster. So I moved the jeans. He then said that the tiger on his shirt couldn't see out of one of it's eyes because the shirt was folded over. At this point I said in my not so fake cheerful, but starting to get genuinely annoyed voice, "We are not playing this game Buddy. If you want to move it, move it, but you need to get dressed."
And he looked at me and said, "But Mommy we ARE playing this game. We always play this game."
Wow, I just got outplayed by a four year old. This kid knows exactly what he is doing.


  1. That is HILARIOUS. Smart little buddy. I can just see Landon doing that in a couple of years.

  2. I feel your frustration! Tyson does the same thing to me. He is always the last one ready to walk out the door, then screams "Wait for me" as he continues to play. We do have good days, too. They usually happen when I ask him to help me get BriAnn ready (shoes, socks, jacket...).

  3. Dan and I got a good laugh out of this one!


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